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Scientific Objectives

2014-09-17 22:57

Obtain long-term, systematic, high quality land surface energy and water cycle observation data for climate change studies, climate impact assessment and adaptation studies, and model development and evaluation studies;

Improve the understanding of the transport and exchange process of water and heat between the surface - the atmosphere boundary layer-free atmosphere in different climate zones, reveal the connection between the spatial and temporal variations of climate elements and the water and heat changes, explore the physical mechanisms of interactions between atmospheric boundary layer and land surface in different climate zones, understand and quantify the impact and response of climate change to land-atmosphere energy and water exchanges;

Obtain representative land surface parameters and land-atmosphere exchange coefficients for different land surfaces and climate zones, and provide data for the improvement and validation of land surface models and satellite remote sensing retrievals;

Develop parameterization schemes for land surface processes, improve the simulation and prediction skills of weather and climate models for critical variables of the energy and water cycle, identify the sources leading to the diverse model performance in different regions and seasons;

Obtain regional scale characteristics of land surface processes by synthesizing field observations, satellite remote sensing and numerical models, develop advanced multi-source satellite data assimilation system and a integrated database of soil moisture and surface fluxes.


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